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I mean, you are mean! 😂

mean 這個字香港人好喜歡用。乜野 I mean , you mean, he mean, it's mean good, etc. Damn! 👊後兩個係錯㗎!❌ mean 有好多意思,不同詞性不同意思。 verb: 意謂, 想要, 意欲, 預定 adjective: 低劣的, 卑賤的, 吝嗇的, 刻薄的 noun: 平均數👈🔢數學用 加左s變成means,依然係noun,不過係單數: 方法 仲有「習慣用語」: by all means 當然好, by no means 絕不 (金錢) live within your means 量力而為 verb例句可以有: What does this word mean? 這個詞是甚麼意思? Lower costs mean lower prices. 成本降低意味著價格會下降。 I'm sorry if I offended you - I didn't mean any harm. 如果冒犯了你我很抱歉——我並無惡意。 adjective例句: He's too mean to buy her a ring. 他太吝嗇了,捨不得買一枚戒指給她。 Stop being so mean to me! 別對我那麼刻薄! noun 例句: Their mean weight was 76.4 kg. 他們的平均體重是76.4公斤。 means例句: They had no means of communication. 他們沒有溝通的方法。 I mean, you are mean! 😂

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